Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thank You

I just want to take the time to say thank you to Josh and Doug for letting me be a part of this blog. It has been a lot of fun. I've learned a lot. I tend to take a hiatus from internet use every now and then and I'm feeling like now is the time. I've been working on my project, The Preeminence, since last June. I have written 65 poems, 21 songs and have almost finished my first art pieace for the book (1 of 14) since I started. Please pray for me. I feel that this is the best offering I can give at this point in my life to God and humanity. I am looking to see just how far this will go. Josh has my email address in case anyone is curious about what's going on from here on out. Again, I want to say thank you for letting me put my pen to the page and for being "far-away" friends. Blessings.


  1. Drew, it's been great having you be a part of this little ol blog. I totally understand the busy-ness thing and a prioritizing of energy focus on things that are of substance (a big reason why I haven't been on here as much as before). I look forward to checking out your future projects and feel free to contribute here again if a time presents itself....you've always got an open door here, buddy. Love you, brother....stay close.

  2. sorry for the delayed response drew. i too have been taking a hiatus from blogsville, and it's been really good. your message is inspiring. thinking of your craft as the best offering that you can give just sets my mind moving. i mean, our lives and our faithfulness are our best offerings, but i know exactly what you mean. i think the same way - too much actually. i revel in the thought & yet i really grapple with it. hearing someone else say it & passionately & humbly desire it makes it ring true in me. thanks brother. i look forward to your work. doug
