Tuesday, December 14, 2010

...Holiday artwork- Advent #3...

Here are two more cards that I created in years past. We're almost down to the final week. During this season, I hope that you're feeling excitement rather than stress; joy instead of anxiety. BlesSINGs to you and yours!!!


  1. We received your "Tidings" in the mail. Love it. I've been telling people about your work, namely Sally (the one that used to work at Pres Home). I think I told you that she's Andrew's nanny now. Anyways, great stuff. Like I said before, I may have to recollect the ones you've done before. I don't remember seeing the Lamb in the Clouds one. That's awesome too. You really stepped into a vein with these. They are so complete, symbolic and powerful. Keep it coming.

  2. love these. i remember giving you a hard time about the mufasa one but i take it back now, it's really good
